Short Stories: 70/79
- .3 PBY Same to You Doubled /cyf/4
- 11 FSF Starting from Scratch /cyf/4
- .2 GAL Down the Digestive Tract /cyf/4
- .8 PBY Three Sinners in the Jade Green
Moon tc> "Pas de Trois of the Chef
and the Waiter and the Customer" /cyf
- .. BOAC The Cruel Equations /cyf/4
- .. BOAC Tripout /cyf/4
- .. NWS The Mnemone /cyf/4
- .. ACO Aspects of Langranak /cyf
- .. ACO Game: First Schematic /cyf/4
- .. ACO Doctor Zombie and His Little
Furry Friends /cyf/4
- .. ACO Notes on the Perception of
Imaginary Differences /cyf/4
- .. ACO Plague Circuit /cyf
- .. ACO Tailpipe to Disaster /cyf
- .. OA Zirn Left Unguarded, The Jenghik
Palace in Flames, and Jon Westerly Dead /"Nova 2" ed. Harrison /trwllm
- 11 OA Space Wife /ed. Fukushima ??
- 10 PBY Voices /trwllm
- 11 GAL A Suppilant in Space /trwllm
- .. OA Welcome to the Standard Nightmare
/"Nova 3" ed. Harrison /trwllm
- .. CSM The Robot Who Looked Like Me
/trwllm /itwpd,r
- .5 GAL End City /trwllm
- .. OA Slaves of Time (novella) /"Nova 4" ed. Harrison /trwllm
- .. OA Primordial Follies /"The Last Dangerous Visions" ed. Ellison (unpublished!)
- .8 OA The Never-Ending Western Movie /"SF Discoveries" ed. Pohl /trwllm
- 11 OA In A Land of Clear Colors /"New Constellations" ed. Disch & Naylor
/An LP of the same name released in 1979 has this story narrated by Peter Sinfield with music by Brian Eno
- 12 PBY What Is Life? /trwllm /mm
- .. OA Non Fiction Article(?) /"Science Fiction at Large" ed. Nicholls
- .5 PBY Silversmith Wishes /trwllm /itwpd
- .8 PHS Sneak Previews /trwllm
- .9 VEC On Working Method
/This speech reworked in 1982 as "How Pro Writers Really Write-Or Try To"
- 12 OMN Bodygame (Bak) /a "Best of Omni" (1980) ed. Bova & Myrus
- .. OA Is That What People Do? /"Anticipations" ed. Priest /trwllm /itwpd
- .1 DST Goodbye Forever to Mr Pain /itwpd/5
- .7 OA I Can Teleport Myself to Anywhere /"Twenty Houses of the Zodiac" ed. Jakubowski
- 11 AMZ The Perfect Woman (with new intro) /53.12 AMZ
- .. GLY The Shaggy Average American Man Story /itwpd/5
1952-54 | 1955-59 | 1960-69
| 1970-79 | 1980-89 | 1990-2005
| Key