Short Stories: 52/54
- .5 IMG Final Examination
- .8 GAL Proof of the Pudding (Willer) /tpt
- 11 GAL Warrior Race (Scattergood) /UK Vol:3 #3
- 11 FUT We Are Alone /a "Escape to Earth" (1963) ed. Howard
- 12 GAL Cost of Living /ubhh
- 12 GAL The Leech (as Phillips Barbee) /n:u /mm
- 12 ASF The Impacted Man (Orban) /ubhh
- 12 IMG Writing Class
- 12 COL ?? (unknown title) /6th of December
- .. TDW Fear in the Night /pte /itwpd,r
- .2 FNF The Demons /ubhh /mm
- .2 FNF Feeding Time (as Finn O'Donnevan) /n:u
- .2 GAL Watchbird (Emsh) /n:u
- .2 OA The Last Weapon /"Star SF" ed. Pohl /tpt
- .3 ASF Fool's Mate (Orban) /sos /itwpd,r /ww
- .3 FSF The Monsters /ubhh /itwpd,r /mm
- .3 CLI Time Check for Control (Valigursky)
/Issue #1 /54.2 SFD
- .4 GAL Seventh Victim /ubhh /itwpd,r /ww /mm
- .4 CLI Spacemen in the Dark /54.5 SFD
- .5 ASF Operating Instructions (Schecterson)
/a "Beyond the Barriers of Time and Space" (1954) ed. Merril
- .5 GAL Specialist /ubhh /rso /ww /alternative title: 'M Molecule'
- .5 SFA What Goes Up (Beecham)
- .5 CLI Strange Ritual tc> "Ritual" /ubhh
- .6 AMZ Restricted Area (Dotzenko) /tpt
- .6 GAL Warm /ubhh /itwpd,r
- .7 FAN The Altar /ubhh
- .7 FSF The King's Wishes /ubhh
- .7 COL Coast to Coast (Cordrey)
/25th of July
- .8 GAL Diplomatic Immunity (Ashman) /tpt
- .8 TWS Fishing Season /tpt /itwpd,r
- .9 SFA Closed Circuit (Berwin)
- .9 SPS The Hour of Battle (Krenkel) /a "The
Future Makers" (1968) ed. Haining
- .9 FAN Wild Talents, Inc. (Emsh) /itwpd
- 10 AMZ Beside Still Waters (Finlay) /ubhh /itwpd,r
- 10 ESQ The Special Exhibit /sos
- 11 GAL Keep Your Shape (Vidmer) tc> "Shape"
/ubhh /itwpd,r /mm
- 11 ASF Potential /sos
- 11 FUT Ultimatum! (Cover:Schomberg,
- 11 FAN What A Man Belives (Pitz)
/FAN 66.1
- 12 SFS Ask A Foolish Question /cis /rso
- 12 GAL One Man's Poison tc> "Untouched By Human Hands" /ubhh /mm
- 12 AMZ The Perfect Woman /a "100 Great SF Short
Short Stories" (1978) ed. Asimov, Greenberg & Olander
- .1 OA The Odor of Thought /"Star SF 2" ed. Greenberg & Asimov /tpt
- .2 SFD Time Check for Control (revised) /Issue #1 /53.3 CLI
- .4 IF Carrier (novella) (Emsh -click
to see!) /a "A Wilderness of Stars"
(1969) ed. Nolan
- .4 GAL Hands Off (Kossin) /cis /rso
- .5 SFD Man of the Hour /Issue #2 of 2
- .5 SFD Spacemen in the Dark /Issue #2 of 2 /53.4 CLI
- .5 IMG Off-Limits Planet (Terry) /with author bio & photo
- .6 FAN The Hungry (Kossin) /FAN 69.8
- .6 GAL Something for Nothing (Francis) /cis
/rso /mm
- .7 FSF The Accountant /cis /itwpd,r /mm
- .7 NW The Odor of Thought (revised) /54.1 "Star SF 2"
- .7 PLS The Ogre Test /Summer Issue
- .7 GAL A Thief in Time (Beck) /cis /mm
- .8 IF The Academy (Summers) /pte
- .8 NW The Last Weapon (revised) /53.2 "Star SF"
- .8 GAL Subsistance Level (Kossin) /sos
- .9 IF The Battle (Finlay) /cis /itwpd /rso /mm
- .9 GAL Milk Run (AAA Ace series #1) (Francis)
/pte /mm
- .9 PLS Hex on Hax /Fall Issue
- 10 FUN Conquerors Planet
- 10 GAL Ghost V (AAA Ace series #2) /tpt /rso /ww /mm
- 10 FSF The Slow Season /sos
- 11 GAL The Laxian Key (AAA Ace series #3) (Emsh)
/tpt /mm
- 11 FUN Minority Group
- 12 GAL Skulking Permit /cis /ww /mm
- 12 GAL Uncle Tom's Planet (as Finn O'Donnevan)
- 12 SAI Change from a Silver Dollar
- .. OA Paradise II /"Time to Come" ed. Derleth /n:u
1952-54 | 1955-59 | 1960-69
| 1970-79 | 1980-89 | 1990-2005
| Key