NEWS: Das Millionenspiel, a German TV movie based on "The Prize Of Peril", has been shown on TV for the first time since the original 1970 broadcast.
NEWS: The recent(ish) movie Series 7: The Contenders uses many (uncredited) ideas from the Sheckley stories "Seventh Victim" and "Prize Of Peril". Shot in the style of a reality tv show, it is worth seeing.
NEWS: A remake of "The Tenth Victim" starring Catherine
Zeta Jones was announced in 2001. However, it seems to have entered 'development
hell', so don't hold your breath!
For full details of any of the below go to The Internet Movie Database.
The Tenth Victim (1965)
TV and Short Films:
Armchair Theatre: Murder Club (1961) (UK, 60 minutes)
Captain Video TV series:
Sheckley wrote fifteen episodes of the first ever science fiction TV series some time around 1953. They were transmitted live and don't seem to have survived. Any details about the dates or any surviving scripts or footage would be appreciated!
Escape from Hell Island (1965) (based on "The Man in the Water")
Dead Run (1969)
Condorman (1981) (based on "The Game of X")
The Prize of Peril (1983)
Freejack (1992) (based on "Immortality Inc.")
The People Trap (1966) (NBC, two hour special)
Los Buenos Samaritanos (1966) (Spanish film, 30 minutes)
Immortality Inc. (1969) (UK, 50 minutes)
Das Millionenspiel (1970) (German TV, 96 minutes, based on "The Prize
Of Peril")
Monsters: The Demons (1989) (US TV)
The Utilizer (1993) (Sci-Fi Channel, based on "Something for Nothing")
Monsters in the Attic (1997) (cartoon script for Saban Entertainment)